Friday, March 23, 2007

Miss you J

We have two little boys home with runny noses today. They are just sitting on the coach role playing something about borrowing each other’s mum with little action figures. Lovely to hear.

So the girl last night who talked about Tanzania said, no matter how poor they were they always had a car and a mobile phone. Scary! One would so hope that they would not take after these bad, self destructive habits from us westerners. Then a woman in the audience told us that in Brazil the government reduces prizes on satellite TV so you could see a shack hardly standing up with a huge satellite dish. For us here it just seems like the thing to have, but when you hear about it in these absurd situations you really think. You hardly have food but satellite TV and a car. Something has to be done, and from us here. Take public transportation, you know you complain so much about the gas prizes anyway, throw out the TV in any form because it is just a big time thief anyway who prevents you from spending time with your loved ones.

Found a fantastic sight today called No Impact and it is a guy in New York who for a year wants to do as little destruction to the earth as possible. It is really inspiring reading and he has some weird but fantastic ideas that we can use at home for being a little nicer to mother earth. I was inspired at once to stop all the junk mail one gets every day. I have been wondering for ages how many trees they have to chop down for all this marketing that just ends up in the garbage.

Talked with my soul mate last night who I miss like crazy. She lives in England and there the coriander is just coming up. I love fresh coriander. I wonder if I could grow it in pots all year around. At least I can get it organic in the store but god knows where it is grown - have to find out.

Peace and love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Men HALLÅ!! Nu är det ju som så här va, att man kan inte låta bli att ringa, maila OCH blogga. Vad är det som händer med er därute i bushen egentligen?? Jag är totalt ouppdaterad och jag får kli i benen av det. På måndag ska jag iväg på utgrävning, och dagen efter skolan slutar börjar jag jobba, juni/juli ut. Men om jag inte återinvolveras i din knäppa familj kommer jag och våldgästar er! Update me somehow, please.